Free Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids

I created an Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids, and I want to share it with you!

Once again, I find myself, like many others around the world, self-isolating in my apartment with my kids.

Since we live in an apartment building, we cannot risk leaving our apartment or playing in the yard.

So, we are stuck indoors desperately trying to save our sanity and make this a positive memory for my children instead of a negative one.

I have lots of cheap, fun things to do with kids at home, but we are getting very close to running out of ideas!

I quickly wrote up a list for an indoor scavenger hunt for kids to do tomorrow, and I figured that I would share it with all my readers.

I know that mothers all over are trying their best to keep the kids entertained, and my heart especially goes out to mothers in small spaces with no easy outdoor access! I am you, and I know how hard it is.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids
This is my first attempt at creating something like this, so it’s not particularly fancy or impressive, but it should keep them entertained for a bit.

This activity needs very little prep from you!


Game Plan For Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids:

This is an indoor scavenger hunt for kids, but it needs adult help for kids who are not yet readers. So in my family, one kid will, for sure, need help.

I plan to give each kid a sheet of stickers to use to mark each item as they move down the indoor scavenger hunt list. I think pencils or markers are harder for little kids to manage. Hopefully, stickers will make it more fun.

I will set up a landing area in the living room for each of the kids to display their finds. That way, when they are done, they could share what they found with everyone and hopefully continue the fun.

I find it amazing to see how their little brains work- they’re so creative.

(Of course, all items need to be put back where they were found at the end!)

We don’t play with winners or losers. I just find that they don’t need the competition, and it is just asking for trouble.

I hope you take my indoor scavenger hunt for kids and use it and have fun! If the scavenger hunt clues don’t work for you or your family, then feel free to cross it off or add some that do work for you. Personalize it!

Sometimes the kids have some cute ideas, so if you are having fun with this indoor scavenger hunt, continue the fun by having each kid pick a few clues to add to the list.

Let me know what they come up with!

I know that this time period is challenging for a lot of you. I am struggling myself. Being a mother means being pulled in so many directions, all while trying to have a smile on your face and working to create a positive environment.


The most important thing we can give our children right now is not any sort of fancy game or activity but just a sense of security and positivity in the home. Our kids love us and want to spend time with us.

Even the silliest and smallest activity is made so much more fun when the parents join in. So take your worries, fears, and the ball of despair inside you and put it aside. It’s time to race around whatever tiny or big space you have and have a great INDOOR SCAVENGER HUNT!

You can make your own, of course, but if you would like a copy of the indoor scavenger hunt for kids that I made to play with my own children, then click here to download!



Hi! I am a millennial mom with a passion for personal finance. I have always been “into” personal finance but got inspired to start my blog after a period of extended unemployment. That experience really changed the way I viewed my relationship with money and the importance of accessible personal finance education.

2 thoughts on “Free Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids”

  1. An indoor scavenger hunt is a great idea! It would certainly keep the kids entertained for a good bit. Our daughter is grown, but when she was little I ran a childcare program in my home – an indoor scavenger hunt was just the kind of activity that I know would excite young children!


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