With inflation so high, it’s getting harder and harder to get by. However, there are a lot of ways to save money at home to keep your expenses as low as possible. Many of them are simple ways you can make a real difference in your budget.
Here are 100 ways to save money at home and put more in your pocket.
1. Lower Thermostat Temperature
Keep the temperature lower to save a significant amount on your power bill. An HVAC system uses a lot of power, so you’ll save when it isn’t running as often.
2. Seal Gaps and Cracks
Your heating and air conditioning could be leaking out through cracks and gaps. Seal them to reduce how often you need to use your HVAC system.
3. Unplug Unused Electronics
If you aren’t using it, why does it still need to draw power? These items steal electricity from you by continuing to draw on it even when they aren’t being used.
4. Insulate Your Home
You need to be able to save on your power bill, and this is one of the most important ways to save money at home. It can make a huge difference in the comfort of your home and the size of your power bill.
5. Use Led Light Bulbs
These use much less electricity, and they’ll last you longer. Upgrade to LEDs as soon as you can to save.
6. Install a Programmable Thermostat
When you can program your thermostat, you can leave it off anytime it isn’t needed. This translates into savings on your monthly bill.
7. Use Natural Light
Natural light is free! The more natural light you can get, the less power you need to use to keep lightbulbs going.
8. Set Your Fridge to a Higher Temperature
Does your fridge need to be as cold as it is? You can save power by setting the temperature just a little higher. Your food will still be cold enough.
9. Fix Leaky Faucets Promptly
If you have a leak, you’re losing water and letting money go down the drain. This is something you need to stay on top of so that leaks get fixed as quickly as possible.
10. Air Dry Laundry
Air drying not only lets you save money on power, but it lets you save money on clothes. Clothes that are air-dried get worn out more slowly, saving you from having to buy replacements.
11. Reduce Shower Time
Your time in the shower could likely be cut down for both your water and power bills. Being more efficient in the shower will still leave you clean, but it will also leave you with more money.
12. Use a Water-Saving Showerhead
If there’s a lot of water coming through the shower head, it will cost more than if you install a low-flow one. It helps you save on both power and water.
13. Turn off Lights When Leaving a Room
When you aren’t there, there’s no reason to have a light on. This is a habit to get into that can save you a lot. When you leave the room, always turn it off.
14. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
This helps save clothes as well as power. When the water doesn’t have to be heated, your clothes will last longer, and your power bill will be smaller.
15. Use a Microwave Instead of an Oven
A microwave takes just a fraction of the cooking time needed by an oven. This can save you an enormous amount of power, especially if you cook often.
16. Clean Air Filters Regularly
When your air filters are dirty, they aren’t working as well. This makes it harder for air to get through them. This means that more air will need to flow through the system. Keep clean filters so that less air needs to be heated or cooled.
17. Use Ceiling Fans for Cooling
A ceiling fan uses very little power, while an HVAC unit is among the most power-hungry of all your devices.
18. Eliminate Drafts from Windows
If your home is drafty, it’s harder to heat it. Get rid of drafts to keep more warm or cool air inside your home.
19. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances
This can make a big difference over time. Newer appliances are generally more energy efficient because they use new technology. Save power, save money.
20. Use a Slow Cooker
A slow cooker is a very small kitchen device that doesn’t use much power to work. When you use one, you can expect to use less power overall.
21. Seal Ducts
Any ducts that aren’t sealed can lead to heating and air conditioning that escapes. This loss of heat or cooling can cost you big, so seal up those ducts.
22. Declutter and Organize
Many people waste money because they can’t find what they need and have to buy it again. Staying organized and not bringing in more stuff can save you money and stress.
23. Use Reusable Bags
Instead of throwing away money on disposable bags, use reusable ones that you can use many times. It’ll help your wallet as well as the environment.
24. Buy in Bulk
Whenever you buy in bulk, you get a volume discount. It’s well worth it to join a bulk store to save money on everything you buy.
25. Use a Clothesline for Drying
This is an easy way to air-dry your clothing. It’s simple to use, and it works anytime it isn’t raining. Your clothes will smell fresh naturally, and you’ll save power.
26. Grow Your Own Herbs and Vegetables
The grocery store is one of the biggest expenses that people have in a given month. It’s only getting more expensive, so growing some of your own produce can help your wallet.
27. Cook Meals in Batches
When you cook in batches, you won’t have to cook as often. This will save you electricity and let you cook for less.
28. Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Cleaning products can be unnecessarily expensive. Cleaning products are mostly water, and you can make your own with just a few ingredients.
29. Limit Paper Towel Use
Paper towels are made to be thrown away. But the faster you use them, the faster you have to buy more. Use fewer of them to save money over time.
30. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions
It can be tempting to subscribe to something, especially when you get a discount at first. However, once you no longer need it, get rid of it quickly.
31. Buy Generic Brands
These brands work in just the same way that the name brands do, but you’ll pay less to get them. This can save you a lot on your weekly shopping trips.
32. Use a Library for Books and Movies
We all need books and movies, but you don’t necessarily have to pay for them. Visit the library for free books and movies and borrow what you need.
33. Create a Budget
If you have a firm budget in place, you can save money by keeping your spending within those parameters. No budget often means no limits on your spending. This is one of the ways to save money at home that everyone should follow every month.
34. Buy In-Season Produce
Produce costs much less when it’s in season at the time you buy it. When it isn’t, it’s been shipped from far away and will cost more.
35. Reduce Food Waste
Most people have to throw out a lot of food because it goes bad. You can track what you buy and see how much you use. The next time you buy it, you can buy less of the items you don’t use quickly.
36. Reduce Meat Consumption
Meat is pricey, and it’s getting even pricier. When you focus more on produce and grains, you can save money as well as have a healthier diet.
37. Cancel Cable TV
There’s no need to have cable TV anymore. A streaming service can take its place for a fraction of the amount you’ve been paying for cable.
38. Cancel Unused Memberships
Think you’ll go to the gym any time now? If you haven’t been in a while, you don’t need that membership. Get rid of it for immediate savings.
39. Opt for Staycations
There are few things more expensive than a vacation. The next time you have some time off, spend it relaxing at home. You’ll save money and still get in that relaxation time.
40. DIY Home Repairs
Labor costs are expensive for any work you need to do at home. Save on that cost by doing your repairs yourself. There’s a YouTube video available on fixing virtually anything.
41. Plant Trees for Shade
When you have shade, you can keep your home from getting too hot from direct sunlight. This will mean the air conditioner won’t need to be run as often.
42. Use a Rain Barrel for Watering Plants
Plants need plenty of water, but you don’t have to pay for it. With a rain barrel, you can collect water and use as much as you like on your plants for free.
43. Turn Off Appliances Completely
While appliances are on, even if you aren’t using them, they are often drawing power. Turn them all the way off to save on your power bill.
44. Reduce Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is empty calories, and it’s also expensive. Cutting down on alcohol, or cutting it out, can save you a lot over the course of the year.
45. Cancel Magazine Subscriptions
The pictures and articles you want are generally available online. Don’t pay for a subscription to something you can get for free.
46. Buy Used Furniture
Furniture is a huge expense, but like cars, it depreciates quickly. Buy your furniture used to pay less. It’s usually easier to afford these pieces, and you can get items used in great condition.
47. Install a Water-Saving Toilet
A low-flow toilet will still work the way a toilet should. As often as toilets are used, you can save a lot by having less water flow in every time someone uses it.
48. Use a Reusable Water Bottle
Buying a bottle of water actually costs more than buying the same amount of gas. Use water from the tap to save big by cutting out those purchases.
49. Purchase Store-Brand Medications
These have the exact same active ingredients as the name brand, but they can cost half the price.
50. Buy Used Appliances
A good appliance will work well for a long time. That’s why it can be so helpful to your wallet to buy them used. They can still work well but will cost much less than buying them new.
51. Use a Crockpot for Cooking
When you never feel like cooking in the evening, it may be tempting to order out. However, that’s a highly expensive option. Use the crockpot and save that money. Dinner will be ready with very little work needed.
52. Limit Takeout and Dining Out
It’s always less expensive to make food at home. Plan meals to eat at home so that you won’t be prone to eating out or ordering in.
53. Repair Clothing Instead of Replacing It
Good clothing is expensive, but it will eventually have holes and worn places. Instead of replacing it, learn a few repair techniques and keep wearing those pieces.
54. Use a Budgeting App
When you know you need a budget but have little time for creating one, using an app can help get it done. And you’ll always have your budget handy to refer to.
55. Buy Secondhand Clothes
Clothing can be nearly free when it’s used. There are countless places where you can buy used clothing that’s in great condition.
56. Make Your Own Gifts
Gift buying can be a financial burden. But it doesn’t have to be. Use your skills to make things at home that you can give as gifts for much less.
57. Use Public Transportation
This is one of the ways to save money at home that will save you the most. The cost of gas and vehicle upkeep can be crippling. Use public means of travel to avoid it.
58. Unplug Chargers When Not in Use
If you aren’t using your chargers, they should be unplugged to keep them from continuing to use electricity.
59. Buy Rechargeable Batteries
The cost of batteries is only going up, but you don’t have to pay to replace yours. Instead, buy batteries that can be charged and used over and over again.
60. Repair Appliances Instead of Replacing Them
When something’s broken, you replace it, right? A better way is to repair your appliances and hold onto them for much longer.
61. Set up Automatic Savings
If you aren’t saving much, setting up an account with auto savings will keep you saving every month. You’ll get used to the amount put in savings and won’t even miss it.
62. Cancel Unused App Subscriptions
Many apps have gone to a subscription model. If you aren’t using those apps, cancel them right away so you won’t be charged again.
63. Use Public Wi-Fi
To save money, this is a great way to get plenty of internet access without running up your data.
64. Barter or Trade Services
Everyone has something they’re good at. You can trade that to other people for something you need or need to be done.
65. Cancel Unused Cloud Storage
Did you really need more storage? If you’re paying for cloud storage and don’t really need it, cancel it and stop paying for it monthly or yearly.
66. Sew and Mend Clothing
It’s easy to fix clothing and change pieces as they need to be changed. Letting out a hem, adding a patch, etc., can be done for practically free.
67. Use Energy-Efficient Lighting
Your lighting is always in use, and it can take a lot of energy to run. When your lighting is more energy efficient, you pay less every time you use it.
68. Create a Shopping List and Stick To It
Before you go anywhere, make a list of what you need to buy there. This soon becomes a habit and can save you an enormous amount on impulse purchases.
69. Use a Programmable Coffee Maker
You don’t need your coffee maker running all the time. Program it to come on only when it’s needed to save power.
70. Buy Used Kitchen Gadgets
Kitchen gadgets often get used for a while and then abandoned, so don’t spend too much on them. You can buy one used and pay much less for it.
71. Limit Bottled Water Purchases
It’s best for your wallet and the environment to never pay for bottled water. But if you must now and then, try to limit these purchases to the fewest of them possible.
72. Cancel Unnecessary Home Services
If you’re paying for services that you could do yourself, put an end to that practice. This can be one of the harder ways to save money at home, but it can also save you an enormous amount.
73. Install Motion Sensor Lights
Leaving on lights can be convenient, but you’ll pay a lot to leave them running. To save money, use lights that only come on with motion, so they aren’t used as often.
74. Use a Library for Audiobooks
Audiobooks are a great way to delve into the books you want to read, and your library has them. Your library may even offer them online to borrow.
75. Use a Reusable Coffee Filter
Buying new coffee filters all the time adds up to spending a lot. With a reusable filter, you don’t have to keep buying them or give up your coffee.
76. Grow Your Own Fruit
There are many ways to grow fruit at home. They can even be grown indoors when there’s enough natural light. You’ll save money every week and still have fresh fruit.
77. Reduce Paper Usage
Move to more digital means of creating and keeping documents to save money on replacement paper.
78. Cancel Unnecessary Insurance Coverage
If you have an insurance policy that you don’t really need, this can be a big expense. Cancel that policy, and you’ll keep saving money.
79. Make Your Own Beauty Products
It’s possible today for anyone to make beauty products at home. And you can use better ingredients that will be good for your skin.
80. Host Potluck Dinners
When a lot of people are paying for a shared dinner, it costs each of them less. These dinners can be fun and may introduce you to new foods.
81. Use a Water Filter
When you have a water filter, you can be confident that your water is safe to drink. This can cut down a lot on buying bottled water.
82. Buy Used Books
A book doesn’t have to be new to be a gripping read. Used books contain all the same words as new books, so save some money by buying used ones.
83. Cancel Unused Software Subscriptions
Many people subscribe to software that they need for a while, but they may forget to cancel it later. Look over your debits and see if you can cancel one you aren’t using.
84. Use a Programmable Sprinkler System
Watering often can wreak havoc on your water bill. Use a programmable sprinkler to water your plants at the ideal time. Watering at night can allow the water to soak into the soil better.
85. Limit Impulse Buying
Buying just one or two impulse items isn’t too bad, is it? Multiply those by every time you go shopping and you’ll soon see why this is a habit you need to break.
86. Cancel Unused Streaming Services
If you aren’t really using it, you’re just wasting money every month. Cancel the ones you haven’t watched in the last month or two.
87. Make Your Own Household Cleaners
When you need specialized cleaners around your home, making your own is one of the best ways to save money at home. Cleaners can be pricey, but the ingredients to make them usually aren’t.
88. Use a Bike for Short Trips
Short trips in the car use a lot of gas, and that comes at a hefty price. When you have a short trip to make, consider biking to save money and get exercise.
89. Use a Prepaid Cell Phone Plan
This can save you from large data usage bills and keep your phone time to a minimum.
90. Cancel Premium Cable Channels
You can get what you need in an inexpensive streaming service that you’ll actually watch. Or, you can watch a free source of videos and movies like YouTube.
91. Make Your Own Greeting Cards
These are something that is only used for a minute, but it can cost a few dollars. Make your own for an even better gesture to the recipient.
92. Cancel Unused Gym Memberships
How often do you really go to the gym? Haven’t been in a while? You can always cancel this membership and get in some free exercise at home.
93. Buy Refurbished Electronics
Items like computers are so expensive they can put a serious dent in your budget. Buying refurbished models instead is a great way to get what you need for less.
94. Cancel Unnecessary Online Memberships
How many online memberships do you have? If you have even one that you aren’t actively using, it’s time to cancel it. You likely won’t even remember it’s gone.
95. Buy Used Power Tools
Power tools can be incredibly expensive, but good tools can be used for a long time. That makes it a great choice to choose used tools that still have plenty of life in them.
96. Repair Shoes Instead of Replacing Them
Repairing shoes used to be the norm, and you can make it the norm again in your home. Things like mending, patching, and using inserts can make your shoes look and function better again.
97. Use a Programmable Pet Feeder
Are you spending too much time and money on pet food? A programmable feeder can free up your time and make sure your pets don’t eat too much.
98. Cancel Unnecessary Financial Services
Financial services are always expensive services. If you don’t need them, they’re just siphoning away your money. Cancel those services quickly.
99. Make Your Own Pet Toys
Pets don’t care much about what their toys look like. Taking an old towel and tying a knot in it can be as fun for a pet as an expensive store-bought pet toy.
100. Use Public Parks for Recreation
Instead of paying for memberships or paying admission somewhere, you can go to the park for free. Public parks often have great facilities and won’t cost you a thing.
When you’re determined to spend less, there are dozens of things you can do around your home to save money. Choose the ones that will make the most sense in your life, and get ready to save plenty.
You may find that you can finally boost your savings or pay down debt!
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