Transform Your Energy Habits: 7 Simple Steps to a Lower Electric Bill

Want to know how to lower your electric bill?

The average electric bill in the United States is $117.65 per month, according to recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

If you are frugal like me, then you are constantly looking for ways to save money. One way to save money is to lower your bills every month- like your electric bill! When you lower your electric bill you will have more money to use for the things you need or want.

Lowering your energy consumption is a great way to decrease your power bill. It is also a great way to help with the fight against the pollution that is killing our planet.

Turn Everything Off

One of the biggest wastes of power today is mobile device chargers. When not in use, unplug them. Small amounts of energy still trickle through the charger, which causes a drain on your bill. They are like little vampires sucking your power while you are sleeping.

When you leave a room, turn the TV off. Turn the computers off. Turn the lights off. Simple things amount up to small savings. Small savings add up to big ones. One big thing is to use as little power as possible during the busy times of the day. Sometimes your energy provider will charge you more during these times.

Buy Energy-Smart Appliances

Obviously, you can’t go out and buy all new appliances, but when it comes time to replace your existing appliances, look for big appliances that are energy-smart and have good sleep or energy-saving modes.

Use Less Appliances

Even better than using smarter appliances are using fewer appliances altogether. You can do this by getting rid of some appliances that you rarely use (think microwave or blender) or by replacing them with an electric-free version. For example, you can buy a stove-top kettle (if you don’t have an electric stove) or use a drying rack or clothesline to hang your clothes instead of using your dryer.

Shop Smart

When shopping, try to buy energy-smart items. Appliances, outlets, power cords, and light bulbs all come in a “smart” form. They all can help save electricity in their own ways. For instance, you can set up a smart light bulb to turn on when you enter a room and turn off when you leave.

Adjust Your TV Settings

Smart TVs have a few settings that need to be changed to save on the power bill. You may lose some of the settings’ convenience, but the bill will show the difference. One setting that you need to turn off is the sleep mode feature. Sleep mode allows the TV to turn on faster but keeps the unit on all the time.

The second change that you need to do is the automatic brightness adjustment. Smart TVs can adjust the brightness automatically to match the room lighting. Once again, this makes viewing movies easier, but it adds to your electric bill. Turn it to one brightness and leave it alone.

Watch Your Thermostat

Your thermostat settings can save you some big money.  If you have your house warm in the winter, turn it down a few degrees. If you get chilly, put on a sweater. If you like a cool house in the summer, once again, turn it down, so the temperature goes up by a little. If you get too hot, strip down or find other ways to cool off.

Eventually, your body should adjust to the slight change in temperature.  You like it 68 in the summer, so your body should be alright with 68 in the winter.

Weatherize Your Home

Spend the time, and the money, to properly weatherize your house. Energy-efficient windows and doors help maintain the set temperature within a room. Don’t forget to repair and clean the heating and cooling ducts. Insulate the areas that need it. Lay carpet or rugs throughout the house to help trap the heat and keep your room a little warmer.

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