Want to plan the perfect family game night? Here are the best family games to get you started!
We all know how important family time is. No matter how busy you are, you should always make time for at least one night a week where you can sit and spend time with your loved ones.
An excellent way to do this is to initiate a family game night where one night (or more if you decide you like this activity) a week, you sit down and play board games with your family.
Here are some suggestions for the best family games that will help make your family game night a success.
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The Best Family Games For A Perfect Family Game Night
Before you question the age-appropriateness of this game, be aware that there are many versions of it, including Nick Jr, Harry Potter, and Disney. The idea behind the game is to answer questions about movies or movie clips based on what you roll. So, for example, you can answer trivia questions or watch a clip and answer the following question.
The first one to get to the winner’s circle wins the game. I recommend you pick up one of those so that there are no concerns about impressionable eyes and ears in the room. I like this game because you can go to individuals or teams and watch clips that will make the whole family laugh. It also tests your skills in recalling even the smallest details and remembering things as a whole.
Plus, the younger children will enjoy seeing clips from their favorite movies and may make them want to watch them, leading to another fun activity; family movie night. You can buy this game at most retail stores, such as Target or Walmart.
Monopoly/Monopoly Jr
Classic board game that you probably played growing up. I put both down because, depending on your children’s ages, they may not be able to last for an entire regular Monopoly game. The idea is to buy up as much property as possible (trying to get a monopoly and buy all the same colored properties) and build on them to become the richest person on the board.
You can buy this game at any store. You can also get specialized versions of this game at sports stores that model itself after your favorite sports time (like “Longhorn”-opoly) or even a city-based one (like Austin-in-a-Box).
This one helps with math skills, especially the junior edition since the math is easier for the little ones to follow. As another alternative, there is a new card game version of Monopoly for when you want a quick game, where you draw cards from a deck to try to get three sets of monopolies to win the game.
The concept is in the name; you go through the various ups and down your life can take, starting with the basic choice of working or college after high school. Then, you spin the spinner to move, pick a career, and then draw cards to see what curve balls life will throw at it (including marriage, multiple children, and such).
There are also spaces to land on that can affect you, such as accidents and the like. Some kids especially enjoy “beating” their parents in some fun life accomplishments.
This game has been through many versions, but the concept of one winner in life (read one person who had a good run at everything) is fun, plus it’s hilarious to see the different avenues one life can take. Life is available where other games are sold.
Trivial Pursuit
The idea of this game is simple; you have a wedge and go around the board answering questions on various topics. When you land on the special spot (noted by the large pie piece on it), and you get the answer right, you win that color. The first one to get all his pieces and make it to the center of the board (you must land on it with an exact number) and answer a question chosen by the other players wins.
This game was a favorite in my house, and it is still a classic one today. It helps children become smarter and learn stuff that they may not have learned before and helps older people remember. There are many versions of this game, so you can get one with questions that you and your children probably know the answers to. If your children have any special interests, it can be a great way to showcase their knowledge.
My family and I spent many nights playing this game and often still do, as we love the competition and learning stuff that we didn’t know. Trivial Pursuit in its many formats is also available at Target, Walmart, and the like.
Last but not least, Yahtzee is also a great family game. You have a cup with five dice in them to shake up and roll and try to get various combinations, such as three of a kind, large and small straights, or the big one a ‘Yahtzee,’ which is where all five die read the same number.
Based on the combinations, you get to accrue a certain amount of points, and whoever has the largest number wins the game at the end of the thirteen rounds. This is a fun game because there is no worry about a lot of competition as the game is pretty much luck.
Also, young family members won’t feel left out because there is no knowledge required, plus it helps them recognize numbers. And everyone loves to shout “Yahtzee!” when they get the coveted dice roll. Yahtzee is also available at most retail stores.
There are many fun family games designed to bring families together to have a good time. Board games are an excellent way for families to spend time together, getting to know one another while having a little friendly, competitive fun. As such, it is pretty helpful to know which board games will best captivate and entertain even the youngest of children.