I’m Frugal: Here Are the 5 Things I Do Every Time I Shop

I’m super frugal. I grew up in a pretty frugal household and became even more frugal when I grew up and started paying my own bills (it turns out stuff is really expensive!)

I’ve embraced frugality totally and consider myself a pretty frugal person. At this point, I’m practically a frugal expert.
While I don’t like to spend money, there are obviously things I have to buy and spend money on. But each time I shop, I make sure to do it as smartly and frugally as I can.
Here are the things I do every time I shop.

1. Make Sure It Is in the Budget

I always make sure I have enough money to buy what I need to buy. I put money in specific cash envelopes to make sure I have enough for the things I need. If I don’t have enough, I either become creative in getting away without buying it (like trying to get it for free), or I save up for it. If I really need it, then I will try to make some money to cover the purchase. If it’s a real emergency, then I use my emergency fund to cover it.

2. Check Coupons

There are so many coupon apps and sites that make looking for coupons super easy. I always check to see which coupons are available for the items I want. I quickly scan through some of my favorite coupon sites to see if there is something I can use. 

3. Shop Around

Some stores are very often the cheapest options (Walmart, for example), but they aren’t always the cheapest when you take into account coupons and cashback. I always check a few stores before I buy. Apps, free delivery or shipping, and curbside pickup make shopping around not only cheaper but much easier.

4. Use Cashback

Whenever I shop online, I check to see if cashback is available. Getting cashback on online purchases is super easy and a no-brainer! But you can also sometimes get cashback when you shop at physical stores by uploading your receipt. 

5. Enjoy

Once I do all those and purchase the item, I can enjoy my purchase with a full heart because I know I did my best to get the best value for my money. I don’t believe in living with regret, so once I do my best to get the best deal, I spend my money happily. After all, frugality is good, but money is there to be used (and saved and given away, but also to buy the things we need and want).