A long car ride may not be the most exciting activity, but they’re especially challenging for kids to sit through. Kids need stimulation and entertainment to keep them from going wild. This list of car games for kids is the perfect tool to keep their minds busy while they wait.
An original, but still great! It doesn’t require any prep work and little to no adult interaction (if you have more than one child). If it is just an adult and a child, this game is still great because it isn’t overly distracting for the driver.
For this license plate game, family members can work individually to try and spot a license plate from every state, or you can work as a team. Each time someone spots a new state, they get the point.
Would you rather questions are fun for any age, but it’s entertaining to hear kids answer them. Their answers will surprise you and probably give you a good laugh. Bring a list of kid-friendly ‘would you rather’ questions with you, or make them up as you go. You can never be bored when you listen to young kids answer funny questions
20 Questions is another oldie, but a good one nevertheless! To play, choose whose turn it is, and have them think of a person, place, or thing. Then the other players can ask yes or no questions to help them figure out, such as “is it a person?” or “can it fly?”