Career Books That Make a Great Mother's Day Gift

Here are the best career books written by women. Every woman who wants to up their game and do better in their career should read one of these career books. 

Start with these!

Saddle Up Your Own Horse by Saundra Pelletier

Evofem Biosciences CEO and stage III breast cancer survivor Saundra Pelletier wrote her book Saddle Up Your Own White Horse about taking the reins when it comes to your own happiness and success. 


#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

#GIRLBOSS proves that being successful isn’t about where you went to college or how popular you were in high school. 


Ladies Get Paid by Claire Wasserman

This book comes as an empowering guide to provide you with the tools to strategically navigate the workplace, achieve success, and become a true leader. 


Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead by Tara Mohr

This is the essential handbook that helps professional women truly feel understood so they can bypass perfection and planning and head straight to evolving. 


Swipe up for  more of the best career books for women!