Thrifty Parenting: 10 Budgeting Tips for Tackling Grocery Inflation with Three Young Kids 

““Groceries are costing us A TON lately, and I’m looking for tips to cut down on these costs! We have a four-year-old and two under two. I’m looking for budgeting tips.”

10 Budgeting Tips To Help With Three Young Children And Grocery Inflation

Cut Out The Costly Drink

“We only drink water, coffee, and milk. Water is so good, you’re not going to miss a thing after not drinking all that other stuff for a while, but first, you rebound from less sugar,”

Cut Down On Meat

“Cut down on meat in meals. Beans, tofu, or chickpeas are an excellent substitute for the meat in a meal and are very healthy,”

Buy Fresh

“We buy our veggies at the farmers market or the dollar store. Our dollar store gets produce from local vendors (we’re a farming county) and is fresh and cheap,”

Check Some Grocery App

“There are many receipt cashback apps if it sounds like your thing. Most of them require you to scan your receipts. Ibotta connects to my club card, so I add the offers before putting in my grocery pickup order,”

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